True-Life Murder
The heroine of the story, Natalia, a modest employee of a travel agency, picks up a lost Rottweiler on the street. Coming to the address written on the dog’s collar, Natalia finds no owners and, opening the door with a key found in the mailbox, stays in the apartment. Soon Natalia discovers that the writer Voronov, whose detectives she reads, lives on the floor below.

Accidentally found Rottweiler not only gives a meeting with her favorite writer, but also involves her in the investigation of the murder of an influential banker and the disappearance of his lover Daria — the owner of the apartment and the dog. Natalia’s presence in Daria’s apartment confuses the investigation. Besides, the hapless detective herself is confused and does not know what to do next. Who can help in such a situation? Of course, only the favorite writer Voronov…
Director Victoria Derzhitskaya
Director of photography Fyodor Ordovsky
Producer Ekaterina Filippova

Starring: Svetlana Ivanova, Andrey Ilyin, Alexander Boev, Yulia Zimina, Oleg Kassin, Sofia Kashtanova
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