Just The Two Of Us
The film is based on Vyacheslav Petsukh’s story "Two from the booth of the 9th kilometer". Love, hatred and loneliness. A few days in the life of the brothers who live in the Russian countryside.
short film
Directed by Alexander Veledinsky
Script Vasily Petsukh and Alexander Veledinsky
Director of photography Oleg Lukichev
Producers Ekaterina Filippova, Sabina Yeremeeva

Sergei Makovetsky
Vladimir Steklov

Festivals and prizes:
Cannes International Film Festival (France) — Un Certain Regard program
New Expo Film Festival in New York (USA) — Best Debut Award
KINOSHOK Film Festival (Anapa, Russia) — Grand Prix; Prize of the Russian Guild of Film Experts and Film Critics.
Film Festival "Literature and Cinema" (Russia) — Grand Prix
Message to Man International Film Festival (Russia) — Best Short Film
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