stand by me
Kira is a young architect living in the illusion of absolute choice. The experience of a sudden tragedy provokes internal changes in the heroine. Now she has to learn to live again, to find a way out of the imaginary world of her models into the real city with its pain, trauma and inability to love. Kira needs to find a way to accept her past and her family’s past in order to face the new challenge of motherhood. Kira changes, just as Moscow is being renewed. The heroine’s pain and ruthlessness lies in her infantilization, in her inability to be "here and now", in her fear of the future and its imperfections.
Directed by Tamara Dondurey
Scriptwriter Anton Yarush, Tamara Dondurei
Director of photography Vsevolod Ledovsky
Production designer Vanya Bowden
Producer Ekaterina Filippova

Ekaterina Ermishina - Kira
Ilya Malanin - Ivan
Ingeborga Dapkunaite - Kira's mother
Tatiana Drubich - psychologist
Marina Manych - Kira's sister
Ivan Zlobin - Kira's nephew
Polina Vitorgan - Vika
Maxim Stoyanov - Shleimer
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